Yangyi Huang (黄洋逸)
I am an incoming PhD student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong , supervised by Weiyang Liu , as well as a research assistant at Yandong Wen 's lab, Westlake University .
I interned at NVIDIA Research , collaborating with Ye Yuan and Umar Iqbal on digital human generation and reconstruction.
Earlier, I worked with Hongwei Yi , Yuliang Xiu , and Justus Thies on related research in 3D human modeling and synthesis.
In 2024, I received my Master's degree at State Key Lab of CAD&CG , College of Computer Science and Technology at Zhejiang University under the supervision by Prof. Deng Cai . Before that, I received my B.Eng(2017.09 - 2021.06) in Computer Science from the same department.
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My research interest lies in computer vision, neural rendering and generative modeling. Currently I mainly focus on creating 3D contents and modelling 3D humans. Representative papers/projects are highlighted .
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GAvatar: Animatable 3D Gaussian Avatars with Implicit Mesh Learning
Ye Yuan* ,
Xueting Li *,
Yangyi Huang ,
Shalini De Mello ,
Koki Nagano ,
Jan Kautz ,
Umar Iqbal
(* denotes equal contribution)
CVPR , 2024 (Highlight)
We seek to leverage Gaussian splatting to generate realistic animatable avatars from textual descriptions, addressing the limitations (e.g., flexibility and efficiency) imposed by mesh or NeRF-based representations.
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TeCH: Text-guided Reconstruction of Lifelike Clothed Humans
Yangyi Huang* ,
Hongwei Yi* ,
Yuliang Xiu* ,
Tingting Liao ,
Jiaxiang Tang ,
Deng Cai ,
Justus Thies
(* denotes equal contribution)
3DV , 2024
We reconstruct high-resolution textured meshes for clothed humans from single images, with textual guidance from a VQA model and a few-shot finetuned T2I model.
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TADA! Text to Animatable Digital Avatars
Tingting Liao* ,
Hongwei Yi* ,
Yuliang Xiu ,
Jiaxiang Tang ,
Yangyi Huang ,
Justus Thies ,
Michael J. Black
3DV , 2024
We create expressive 3D avatars from text, based on T2I (I: image; T: text) model.
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One-shot Implicit Animatable Avatars with
Model-based Priors
Yangyi Huang* ,
Hongwei Yi* ,
Weiyang Liu ,
Haofan Wang ,
Boxi Wu ,
Wenxiao Wang ,
Binbin Lin ,
Debing Zhang ,
Deng Cai (* denotes equal contribution)
ICCV , 2023
We create a animatable NeRF-based avatar reconstruction from a single image with model-based prior.
BEVFormer++: Improving BEVFormer for 3D Camera-only Object Detection
Zhiqi Li* ,
Hanming Deng* ,
Tianyu Li* ,
Yangyi Huang* ,
Chonghao Sima *,
Xiangwei Geng *,
Yulu Gao* ,
Wenhai Wang* ,
Yang Li,
Lewei Lu
1st place solution for Waymo Open Dataset Challenge 2022
We enhanced BEVFormer, a DETR-based 3D detection model, with efficient techniques.
FuseFormer: Fusing Fine-Grained Information in Transformers for Video Inpainting
Rui Liu* ,
Hanming Deng* ,
Yangyi Huang* ,
Xiaoyu Shi ,
Lewei Lu
Wenxiu Sun ,
Xiaogang Wang ,
Jifeng Dai ,
Hongsheng Li
(* denotes equal contribution)
ICCV , 2021
We proposed a Transformer-based model to inpaint videos with sharp and realistic results.
Reviewer for CVPR, ICCV, TVCG and SIGGRAPH.